
Haemorrhoids are small, blood-filled cushions located just inside the anus (internal haemorrhoids) but can sometimes form outside the anus (external haemorrhoids). Problems with haemorrhoids are very common and symptoms include bleeding, anal discomfort and itching, discharge of mucous or prolapse. Occasionally a blood clot can form inside the haemorrhoid, which causes a painful hard lump on the outside of the anus (thrombosed haemorrhoid).


Surgical excision may be indicated for larger symptomatic haemorrhoids or where other forms of treatment have not been able to control the symptoms.



The Operation


Preparation is usually a bowel cleansing prep taken the day prior, or an enema given on admission to hospital and fasting (nil by mouth) for six (6) hours prior to the procedure.


Other per anal procedures may be attended in the same operation including; repair of minor rectal prolapse, anal sphincter repair and rectocele repair, as indicated at your pre-operative consultation.





After your procedure, you may eat and drink normally but a high-fibre diet is recommended, as well as drinking adequate oral fluids.


Take home medications include a soluble fibre supplement (Benefiber) to take daily to bulk your stools and keep them soft and formed. Macrogol is a gentle laxative as needed to get your bowel moving, it is important to avoid hard stools and constipation and important to avoid straining.


You will be encouraged to get up and walk about soon after your operation. This helps improve you recovery and reduce the risk of blood clots and other complications.


Discharge from hospital is normally the next day post operatively.



Pain Management and Wound Care


You will be prescribed medication for your discomfort, usually regular paracetamol and a stronger analgesic to take if needed. Follow instructions carefully.


Warm baths (a tablespoon of salt may be added), or showers several times a day (after bowel motions) help soothe and relieve the spasm that occurs in the anus. Ice packs may also be helpful in the first few days to reduce swelling. The use of moistened toilet wipes can be more comfortable than toilet paper.


It is normal to have some bleeding of bright blood after a bowel motion for some days. The use of a sanitary pad is needed until the ooze has stopped (usually after 3 - 5 days). The sutures will gradually dissolve and do not require removal.



Follow Up Care


Please contact our rooms or seek medical attention after hours if you have any concerns;


  • Persistent pain not relieved with analgesia as prescribed
  • Persistent heavy bleeding
  • Constipation for more than 3 days despite taking the laxative
  • Frequent diarrhoea despite stopping the laxative
  • Difficulty in passing urine
  • High temperature over 38°C, or
  • Nausea and/or vomiting that doesn’t settle
  • Any other concerns